Have Mercy




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A Bit About The Song…

Have Mercy
There is little to compare with that terrible sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you know that you have done wrong, that the consequences of your actions are irreparable, that others are going to suffer immeasurable loss and damage because of your willful or accidental indiscretion.
In that fateful moment when the realization that the timeline of your life and others’ lives will be forever changed because of your actions is indelibly etched into your mind forever.
Living with this knowledge can be crushing. Dying from this knowledge seems a mercy.
Sometimes the mistakes we make in life make us feel like we can never come back from them. The damage is too great. The change in life is unbearable.
It is in those times that we need to cry out to the Lord when our hearts are broken, our futures shattered, when our loved ones and friends cannot help us. The sympathy and empathy of those around us cannot touch our sorrow.
There is only one that can truly give us mercy.
It doesn’t always come in the form of resetting the time clock or undoing the consequences of our actions, more often His mercy comes in the form of strength to face the new world that our missteps have created and the assurance of the great day coming in the future when he will make all things right again.
We may not have all made cataclysmic errors, not everyone can empathize with the crushing feeling of a terrible mistake Our choice in life. But for those who can relate, know that there is mercy at the mercy seat for you, mercy at the feet of our gracious Redeemer in heaven who died for you so that all things can one day be made right again.
And there is mercy here in this life as we wait, there is mercy in his overarching forgiveness that covers all of our sins no matter how great. Mercy in the strength that He imparts to us so that we can live another day under the shadow of the pain of our creation, as we walk step by step toward the hope of that great day when all things will be made new and right again.


“Behold, He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen.”
Revelation 1:7


 Against Thee, only, I have sinned

As I’m in sin, struggling again

I fall deeper into it, with no strength to overcome

Into wickedness my feet have run

But I cry to you as I’m sinking in the grave

God, have mercy on me, I pray

To my loving God, who is mighty to save

For You’re mighty to save me

You’re my only hope, my only victory

You’re my victory

Jesus Christ, who died for me

My only hope, my only victory

My Lord, who died for me

Create in me a clean heart, Oh God

Forgive me for my sin

Purge me with hyssop

So that I can live

Wash me clean, Oh Lord,

And in Thy presence I’ll remain

Have mercy, I pray

Have mercy today

Have mercy, I pray

Cast me not away from Your presence

From Your presence

For a broken and contrite spirit Thou will not despise

Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation

Create in me a clean heart

Renew a right spirit within me

Renew Your love within me

Take not away Thy loving Holy Spirit

Without Your Spirit I’ll die

And I will teach Thy ways to those who are astray

Yes, I will teach Thy ways, Oh Lord

Restore to me the joy of thy salvation

Create in me a clean heart, Oh God

Forgive me for my sin

Purge me with hyssop

So that I can live

Wash me clean, Oh Lord,

And in Thy presence I’ll remain

Have mercy, I pray

Have mercy today

Have mercy, I pray

Cast me not away from Your presence

From Your presence

For a broken and contrite spirit Thou will not despise

And with my voice I will sing aloud

With my voice I will praise

Yes, I will sing of Thy righteous ways

I will sing aloud all my days


(c) Copyrighted – All Rights Reserved

The Rain, Nicholas Mazzio and Lauren Mazzio


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“This is not ordinary music.”

“Voices like the angels.”

“A symphony of emotions and sound.”
