Shelter in the Storm




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About the Song…

A Bit About The Song…

Shelter in the Storm
This beautiful hymn was written in the late 1880s by Vernon J Charlesworth, who was a London Pastor serving as Headmaster of Charles Spurgeon’s Stockwell Orphanage. This well-beloved him was heard often sung by sailors as they were approaching a safe harbor in the time of storm. Near the close of 1890, Ira D Sankey, A well-known gospel singer, discovered the words written by Charles worth and recomposed the melody that we know and love today.

The message of this old, well-beloved him is comforting because it reminds us of the fact that Jesus is our never failing, ever-present, unchanging, trustworthy rock fortress. we can hide in a fortress, it is cool and soothing to the weary in a rock fortress. A shade by day and defense by night we know that we are safe when we hide in Him.

We have weathered many hurricanes in Florida and can attest to the blessing that a stone structure affords when the raging storms are around us.

We hope that as you listen to, learn, and sing along with the familiar words of this important him that you will continue to meditate on Jesus as your shelter no matter what storm you are facing in life.

“A Shelter in the Time of Storm”

“Behold, He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen.”
Revelation 1:7



The Lord, our Rock, in Him we hide. He’s our shelter in this time of storm.

(When the waves around you billow high)

Secure whatever may betide, He’s our shelter in this time of storm.

(Whatever may betide, in the storm)

A shade by day, He’s our defense by night, He’s our shelter in this time of storm

(He will never leave you, nor forsake you)

No fears alarm, no foes afright, He’s our shelter in this time of storm

(no fears, no fright, in the storm)


Mighty Rock, in a weary land, cooling Shade on the burning sand,

Faithful Guide for the lonely pilgrim band, He’s our shelter in the time of storm.

(Mighty Rock, in a weary land, on the burning sand, for the lonely band in the storm)


The raging floods around us beat, Jesus is my shelter in the storm

(raging floods may round us beat, a shelter in the storm)

We find in God a safe retreat, Jesus is our shelter in the storm

(find in God a safe retreat, a shelter in the storm)

O, Rock Divine, O Refuge, dear, Jesus is my refuge in the storm

(O, refuge dear)

Be Thou our Helper, ever near, Jesus is our refuge in the storm

(Be Thou our helper, ever near, a shelter in the storm)


Mighty Rock, in a weary land, cooling Shade on the burning sand,

Faithful Guide for the lonely pilgrim band, He’s our shelter in the time of storm.

(Mighty Rock, in a weary land, on the burning sand, for the lonely band in the storm)


Mighty Rock, in a weary land, cooling Shade on the burning sand,

Faithful Guide for the lonely pilgrim band, He’s our shelter in the time of storm.

(Why are ye yet fearful? Have ye not yet faith?

You see the fury of the waves, but He has not forsaken you.

He’s the Master of the sea, our Shelter in the storm)

Jesus is our shelter in the storm

(He’s the Master of the sea and rolling waves.)


Lyrics: Shelter in the Storm

From the album: Shelter in the Storm

(c) Copyrighted – All Rights Reserved

The Rain, Nicholas Mazzio and Lauren Mazzio

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